Shakespeare Oracle Switch Fly Rods will suit the keen Salmon angler who likes a shorter rod for smaller rivers. Whether it’s single hand or double handed casts such as the Overhead Cast, Snap T, Single Spey or Double Spey Cast, the Oracle gives you the flexibility to adapt to the conditions and river.
Additionally, the Shakespeare Oracle Switch Fly Rod comes in 4 sections and is available 6-7 weight, 7-8 weight or 8-9 weight. Cosmetically they are stunning rods and feature a black matt finish, composite cork handle, smooth ceramic lined eyes to allow your shooting head or spey line to easily flow through the rings for maximum distance and less friction.
Switch rods are very fashionable at the moment and popular for fishing on smaller rivers and when targeting Sea Trout and Grilse on bigger rivers in the summer. They are very useful when smaller flies and lighter lines are required to improve presentation. They are also excellent when the river is not flowing too big and the water height is lower.
They are called switch because being lightweight they can be cast single handed (like a normal single handed rod) or spey cast using both hands using the built in extension handle. These rods excel in situations where longer two handed salmon rods are simply too big and where long single handed rods are tiresome to use.